Rev. Fr. John Mary Haw, the Founder of our congregation, a priest of the Diocese of Trier, was a chosen friend of God. He was a clear-sighted, strong-willed and enterprising man whose life was full of love of God and of neighbor. He was a man of principles who lived an interior life of simplicity. His path was clear and consistent. He was deeply distressed about the social conditions of his time and the wide spread deterioration of faith. Over and over again, he wrestled with God in prayer in order to know the Divine will. Christ Himself was his great example. Resolutely he lived out his consecration to the Blessed Trinity. The guiding principle of Fr. Haw's life, in all his undertakings, in his prayer and in his sufferings was the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls. He was a true witness of God's saving mercy.